TOKYO/ November 25th, 2022/ VFR Inc.
VFR Inc. (Head Office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President: Koichiro Yuasa; hereinafter referred to as “VFR”) will partially change its management structure from November 25, 2022 and will work on a revolutionary movement to solve problems in the drone industry. In addition, the company will accelerate the expansion of related services such as mass-production development of drones and pilot training in preparation for the upcoming “Beyond Visual Line-of-Sight (BVLOS)” operations in populated areas (Level 4).
<Changes to the Management Structure>
Replacement of an Outside Director (as of November 25, 2022)
New: Mr. Soki Omae
Retiring: Mr. Kotaro Chiba
*There’s no change with other outside directors.
Outside Director, Mr. Soki Omae

Founded Creativehope Inc, in 2002, and developed Web/IT consulting with an emphasis on strategic aspects. As a consultant, he has led a number of projects of companies and organizations in and out of Japan to success using marketing strategy, branding strategy and scientific web analysis based on data analysis, etc.
Since 2014, he has been working as a dronegrapher®.
In March 2016, he won the second prize in the Drone Movie Contest 2016.
In May 2017, he was appointed to the DRONE FUND Advisory Board.
In October 2017, he became a radio personality of “FUTURES” in Tokyo FM affiliated station.
He was also in charge of general supervision of the Yomiuri TV Drone Scenic Travelogue broadcasted from March to August 2018.
In September 2018, he became a co-representative partner of DRONE FUND.
Professor of Business Breakthrough University/Graduate School (Specializes in Digital Marketing)
Date of Birth: May 23, 1974
We, DRONE FUND, have set the goal of creating a drone and air mobility-based society, and we feel the need for the drone air mobility industry to be launched immediately for the further development of human society. Among such situation, I am confident that the core team shall be a company that understands manufacturing and can propose support up to mass production and improvements on service levels. Also, 2023 will be a special year of development and acceleration for the drone industry. As VFR is giving me credibility and entrust me with a position that can support their growth, I will make every effort to contribute to them.
<Future Business Development of VFR>
VFR Inc. is currently promoting the following three businesses, and through the establishment of a new management structure, the company will strive for further business growth toward the social implementation of drones.
1. ToA (Take off Anywhere) Business
Development of mass production method and mass production of hardware that passes strict safety regulations toward the “drone-based society.”
We develop drones as a package from the drone infrastructure to network integration that enables full automation. We develop and mass-manufacture safe aircraft for Level 3 and Level 4 logistics aircraft.
2. ToB Business (B to B)
Modularization of drone technology and creation of open platform of supply chain. We enter the industrial IoT field and build a platform for SW and HW development and manufacturing.
We manage intellectual property (IP) created through alliances with partner companies.
3. ToC Business (B to B to C)
Support development, skill training, and social implementation and provide other services using VR technology.
We provide consulting and services to improve Mono-zukuri toward the decentralized society. We clarify the requirements and provide the necessary goods and services to solve problems. The virtual trainer increases pilots’ experience by providing various environments including those actual training with real drones is difficult or emergency response in the event of an error in order to prevent accidents before happening.
*For inquiries about VFR and their products, please contact the following. VFR Inc.
<About VFR>
Company name: VFR Inc.
Location: Yebisu Garden place Tower 31F, 4-20-3 Ebisu Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Representative: President & CEO Koichiro Yuasa
Established : March 12, 2020
Business overview: Plan, design, manufacture, sale, repair, maintenance, inspection, import and export of small unmanned aerial vehicles (drones, etc.) and accompanying software, and contracting of design, manufacture and repair. Incidental to these, technical support, design support, operational support for production and sales, and planning support, etc.
Source: VFR Inc.
PR and Marketing Department, VFR Inc.